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Übersetze 'Paradise'Translate 'Paradise'
56 Ergebnisse56 results
Paradies {n}
   Paradiese {pl}
   verborgenes Paradies
Paradiesvogel {m} [ornith.]
   Paradiesvögel {pl}
bird of paradise
   birds of paradise
Paradiesvogel {m} (Sternbild) [astron.]Apus; bird of paradise
Elysium {n} (lat.); Elysion {n} (altgr.) - Paradies der griech.MythologieElysium (Latin); Elysion (Greek) - paradise in Greek mythology
Paradieskasarka [ornith.]paradise shelduck
Paradiessittich {m} [ornith.]paradise parrot
Numforliest [ornith.]numfor paradise kingfisher
Braunmantelliest [ornith.]brown-backed paradise kingfisher
Elliotliest [ornith.]kofiau paradise kingfisher
Spatelliest [ornith.]common paradise kingfisher
Feenliest [ornith.]aru paradise kingfisher
Nymphenliest [ornith.]pink-breasted paradise kingfisher
Biakliest [ornith.]biak paradise kingfisher
Paradiesglanzvogel {m} [ornith.]paradise jacamar
Japanparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]black paradise flycatcher
Stahlparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]sao thome paradise flycatcher
Bedfordparadies-schnäpper {m} [ornith.]Bedford's paradise flycatcher
Maskarenenparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]mascarene paradise flycatcher
Zimtparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]rufous paradise flycatcher
Seychellenparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]seychelles paradise flycatcher
Kobaltparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]blue paradise flycatcher
Rotbrust-Paradiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]Madagascar paradise flycatcher
Hainparadiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]asiatic paradise flycatcher
Senegalparadies-schnäpper {m} [ornith.]red-bellied paradise flycatcher
Roststeiß-Paradiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]rufous-vented paradise flycatcher
Graubrust-Paradiesschnäpper {m} [ornith.]African paradise flycatcher
Siebenfarbentangare {f} [ornith.]paradise tanager
Rotkopfamadine {f} [ornith.]paradise sparrow
Senegalparadieswitwe {f} [ornith.]broad-tailed paradise whydah
Schmalschwanz-Paradieswitwe {f} [ornith.]paradise whydah
Schmalschwanz-Paradieselster {f} [ornith.]ribbon-tailed bird of paradise
Fächerparadieselster {f} [ornith.]arfak bird of paradise
Blaubrust-Paradieselster {f} [ornith.]huon bird of paradise
Prachtparadieselster {f} [ornith.]splendid bird of paradise
Stephanieparadieselster {f} [ornith.]Princess Stephanie's bird of paradise
Königsparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]king bird of paradise
Furchenparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]sickle-crested bird of paradise
Sichelschwanz-Paradiesvogel {m} [ornith.]magnificent bird of paradise
Nacktkopf-Paradiesvogel {m} [ornith.]Wilson's bird of paradise
Lappenparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]wattle-billed bird of paradise
Kragenparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]superb bird of paradise
Loriaparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]Loria's bird of paradise
Krähenparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]paradise crow
Brillenparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]Macgregor's bird of paradise
Großer Paradiesvogel {m} [ornith.]greater bird of paradise
Lavendelparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]Goldie's bird of paradise
Kaiserparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]Emporer bird of paradise; emporer of Germany's bird of paradise
Kleiner Paradiesvogel {m} [ornith.]lesser bird of paradise
Raggiparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]raggiana bird of paradise
Rotparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]red bird of paradise
Blauparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]blue bird of paradise
Wimpelträger {m} [ornith.]king of saxony bird of paradise
Schildparadiesvogel {m} [ornith.]paradise riflebird
Fadenparadieshopf {m} [ornith.]twelve-wired bird of paradise
'Das verlorene Paradies' (von Milton / Werktitel) [lit.]'Paradise Lost' (by Milton / work title)
'Das wiedergewonnene Paradies' (von Milton / Werktitel) [lit.]'Paradise regained' (by Milton / work title)
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