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Eule {f} [ornith.]
   Eulen {pl}
   Eulen nach Athen tragen; Holz in den Wald tragen [Sprw.]
   to carry coals to Newcastle [prov.]
Kauz {m}; Käuzchen {n} [ornith.]
   Käuze {pl}; Käuzchen {pl}
screech owl
   screech owls
Nachteule {f} [ugs.]night owl [coll.]
Schleiereule {f} [ornith.]
   Schleiereulen {pl}
barn owl
   barn owls
Uhu {m}; Eule {f} [ornith.]
   Uhus {pl}; Eulen {pl}
eagle owl
   eagle owls
heulen; schreien; rufen (Eule)
   heulend; schreiend; rufend
   geheult; geschrien; gerufen
   heult; schreit; ruft
   heulte; schrie; rief
to hoot (owl)
Habichtskauz {m} (Strix uralensis) [ornith.]ural owl
Raufußkauz {m}; Rauhfußkauz {m} (Aegolius funereus) [ornith.]Tengmalm's owl
Schleiereule {f} (Tyto alba) [ornith.]barn owl
Schnee-Eule {f} (Nyctea scandiaca) [ornith.]snowy owl
Sperbereule {f} (Surnia ulula) [ornith.](Northern) hawk owl
Sperlingskauz {m} (Glaucidium passerinum) [ornith.]Eurasian pygmy-owl
Gnomen-Sperlingskauz {m} (Glaucidium gnoma) [ornith.]mountain pygmy owl
Steinkauz {m} (Athene noctua) [ornith.]little owl
Sumpfohreule {f} (Asio flammeus) [ornith.]short-eared owl
Uhu {m} (Bubo bubo) [ornith.]Eurasian eagle-owl; northern eagle owl
Waldkauz {m} (Strix aluco) [ornith.](Eurasian) tawny owl; brown owl
Waldohreule {f} (Asio otus) [ornith.](Northern) long-eared owl
Zwergohreule {f} (Otus scops) [ornith.]European scops-owl
Sperlingskautz {m} [ornith.]pygmy owl
Sägekauz {m} [ornith.]saw-whet owl
Blaßstirnkauz {m} [ornith.]buff-fronted owl
Ridgwaykauz {m} [ornith.]unspotted saw-whet owl
Abyssinische Ohreule {f} [ornith.]abyssinian long-eared owl
Kapohreule {f} [ornith.]African marsh owl
Schreieule {f} [ornith.]striped owl
Madagaskarohreule {f} [ornith.]Madagascar long-eared owl
Styxeule {f} [ornith.]stygian owl
Blewittkauz {m} [ornith.]forest owl
Brahmakauz {m} [ornith.]spotted owl
Kaninchenkauz {m} [ornith.]burrowing owl
Fleckenuhu {m} [ornith.]spotted eagle owl
Wüstenuhu {m} [ornith.]desert eagle owl
Indienuhu {m} [ornith.]Indian eagle owl
Riesenfischuhu {m} [ornith.]Blakiston's fish owl
Kapuhu {m} [ornith.]cape eagle owl
Koromandeluhu {m} [ornith.]dusky eagle owl
Himalayafischuhu {m} [ornith.]tawny fish owl
Sundafischuhu {m} [ornith.]malay fish owl
Blaßuhu {m} [ornith.]Verreaux's eagle owl
Schwachschnabeluhu {m} [ornith.]akun eagle owl
Nepaluhu {m} [ornith.]forest eagle owl
Streifenuhu {m} [ornith.]Philippine eagle owl
Guineauhu {m} [ornith.]Fraser's eagle owl
Bindenuhu {m} [ornith.]Shelley's eagle owl
Malaienuhu {m} [ornith.]malay eagle owl
Virginiauhu {m} [ornith.]great horned owl
Fischuhu {m} [ornith.]brown fish owl
Rötelkauz {m} [ornith.]rufous-banded owl
Zebrakauz {m} [ornith.]black-banded owl
Bindenhalskauz {m} [ornith.]black & white owl
Sprenkelkauz {m} [ornith.]mottled owl
Strichelkauz {m} [ornith.]ferruginous pygmy owl
Gnomenkauz {m} [ornith.]northern pygmy owl
Andenkauz {m} [ornith.]andean pygmy owl
Zwergkauz {m} [ornith.]least pygmy owl
Araukanerkauz {m} [ornith.]austral pygmy owl
Kubakauz {m} [ornith.]cuban pygmy owl
Mähneneule {f} [ornith.]maned owl
Haubenkauz {m} [ornith.]crested owl
Elfenkauz {m} [ornith.]elf owl
Rotohreule {f} [ornith.]giant scops owl
Salomonenkauz {m} [ornith.]fearful owl
Andamanenkauz {m} [ornith.]andaman hawk owl
Kläfferkauz {m} [ornith.]barking owl
Manuskauz {m} [ornith.]admiralty islands hawk owl
Kuckuckskauz {m} [ornith.]boobook owl
Ockerbauchkauz {m} [ornith.]ochre-bellied hawk owl
Neubritannienkauz {m} [ornith.]New Britain hawk owl
Philippinenkauz {m} [ornith.]Philippine hawk owl
Pünktchenkauz {m} [ornith.]speckled hawk owl
Sumbakauz {m} [ornith.]sumba boobook owl
Rostkauz {m} [ornith.]rufous hawk owl
Falkenkauz {m} [ornith.]brown hawk owl
Tweedalekauz {m} [ornith.]Tweedale's hawk owl
Tüpfelkauz {m} [ornith.]spotted hawk owl
Molukkenkauz {m} [ornith.]moluccan hawk owl
Riesenkauz {m} [ornith.]powerful owl
Madagaskarkauz {m} [ornith.]Madagascar hawk owl
Einfarbkauz {m} [ornith.]jungle hawk owl
Bismarckkauz {m} [ornith.]Bismarck hawk owl
Weißkehleule {f} [ornith.]white-throated screech owl
Floreseule {f} [ornith.]flores scops owl
Angelinaeule {f} [ornith.]javan scops owl
Ostkreischeule {f} [ornith.]eastern screech owl
Kappeneule {f} [ornith.]black-capped screech owl
Hindu-Halsbandeule {f} [ornith.]Indian scops owl
Andamaneneule {f} [ornith.]andaman scops owl
Tropfeneule {f} [ornith.]bearded screech owl
Beccarieule {f} [ornith.]biak island scops owl
Radschaeule {f} [ornith.]rajah scops owl
Streifenohreule {f} [ornith.]pallid scops owl
Cholibaeule {f} [ornith.]tropical screech owl
Nacktbeineule {f} [ornith.]bare-shanked screech owl
Kolumbieneule {f} [ornith.]colombian screech owl
Mangroveeule {f} [ornith.]pacific screech owl
Schmuckeule {f} [ornith.]riukiu scops owl
Ponderosaeule {f} [ornith.]flammulated owl
Palawan-Halsbandeule {f} [ornith.]palawan scops owl
Rotgesichteule {f} [ornith.]vermiculated screech owl
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