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30 Ergebnisse30 results
polar {adj}polar
Eisbär {m} [zool.]
   Eisbären {pl}
polar bear; ice bear
   polar bears; ice bears
Eismeer {n} [geogr.]Polar Sea
Fleece {n} [textil.] <Vlies>fleece; polar fleece; microfleece
Grizzlybär {m} [zool.]
   Grizzlybären {pl}
   Grizzly-Eisbären-Kreuzung {f}; Grolar-Bär {m}
grizzly bear
   grizzly bears
   grizzly-polar bear; grolar bear; prizzly bear; pizzly bear
Klima {n}
   gemäßigtes Klima
   mildes Klima
   äquatoriales Klima
   arktisches Klima
   nivales Klima
   ozeanisches Klima
   polares Klima
   regionales Klima
   tropisches Klima
   moderate climate; temperate climate
   bland climate
   equatorial climate
   arctic climate
   nival climate
   marine climate; oceanic climate
   polar climate
   regional climate; macroclimate
   tropical climate
Nordlicht {n}; nördliches Polarlicht {n}northern lights; polar lights; aurora borealis; northlight
Polabstand {m}
   Polabstände {pl}
polar distance
   polar distances
Polareis {n}polar ice
Polarexpedition {f}
   Polarexpeditionen {pl}
polar expedition
   polar expeditions
Polarfront {f} [meteo.]polar front
Polargebiet {n}; Polarzone {f}polar region; polar zone
Polarkoordinate {f} [math.]
   Polarkoordinaten {pl}
   geodätische Polarkoordinaten
polar coordinate
   polar coordinates
   geodetic polar coordinates
Polarkreis {m} [geogr.]
   Polarkreise {pl}
polar circle
   polar circles
Polarlicht {n}aurora; polar lights; polar aurora; aurora light
Polarluft {f}polar air
Polarnacht {f}
   Polarnächte {pl}
polar night
   polar nights
Polarstern {m} [astron.]polar star; polestar; Polaris; North Star
Polkappe {f} [geogr.]
   Polkappen {pl}
polar cap
   polar caps
Polradwinkel {m}polar wheel angle
Polwanderung {f}
   Polwanderungen {pl}
polar wandering; polar drift
   polar wanderings; polar drifts
Rundlaufkran {m}
   Rundlaufkrane {pl}
crane on circular runway; polar crane
   crane on circular runways; polar cranes
Trägheitsmoment {n} [phys.]
   polares Trägheitsmoment
moment of inertia; moment of gyration
   polar moment of inertia
antarktisch; südpolar {adj} [geogr.]antarctic; south-polar
diametral; diametral entgegengesetzt; polar {adj}
   im diametralen Gegensatz stehen
diametrical; diametrically opposed
   to be diametrically opposed
Grönlandwal {m}; Polarwal {m} (Balaena mysticetus) [zool.]
   Grönlandwale {pl}; Polarwale {pl}
bowhead whale; polar whale; great polar whale; arctic whale; arctic right whale; Greenland whale; Greenland right whale
   bowhead whales; polar whales; great polar whales; arctic whales; arctic right whales; Greenland whales; Greenland right whales
Antarktikskua [ornith.]South-Polar skua
Abplattung {f}
   Abplattung an den Polen
   Abplattung der Erde
flattening; flatness; oblateness
   polar flattening
   flattening of the earth
Nunatak {m} [geogr.]nunatak (ice-free hill in polar regions)
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