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Dorf {n}
   Dörfer {pl}
   globales Dorf [übtr.]
   global village
Anger {m}; Gemeindeland {n}; Dorfwiese {f}; Gemeindewiese {f}common; common land; village green
Angerdorf {n}village built around a village green
Dorffest {n}
   Dorffeste {pl}
village fair
   village fairs
Dorfjugend {f}village youth; country youth; young people of the village; young hicks [pej.]
Dorfschönheit {f}belle of the village
Dorftrottel {m}; Dorfdepp {m}
   Dorftrottel {pl}; Dorfdeppen {pl}
village idiot
   village idiots
Dorfzentrum {n}; Dorfkern {m}
   Dorfzentren {pl}; Dorfkerne {pl}
village center [Am.]; village centre [Br.]
   village centers; village centres
Feriendorf {n}
   Feriendörfer {pl}
holiday village
   holiday villages
Fischerdorf {n}
   Fischerdörfer {pl}
fishing village
   fishing villages
Kinderdorf {n}children's village
Ortschaft {f}
   Ortschaften {pl}
place; (small) town; village
   places; towns; villages
Ortsrand {m}; Stadtrandlage {f}periphery (of a town/village); peripheral location
Ortsausgang {m}; Ortsende {n} [Ös.] [Schw.]
   am Ortsausgang; am Ortsende
end of a/the village/town
   at the end of the village/town
Ortsbild {n}
   das Ortsbild pflegen
   das Ortsbild verschandeln
   Blumen verschönern das Ortsbild.
character and appearance of the town/village; general appearance of towns and villages
   to preserve the character and appearance of the town/village
   to spoil the general appearance of the town/village
   Flowers enhance the general appearance of towns and villages.
Ortsbildgestaltung {f}town and village design; town design; village design
Ortseingang {m}; Ortsanfang {m}
   am Ortseingang; am Ortsanfang
entrance of/to a/the village/town
   at the entrance of the village/town
Wüstung {f}deserted medieval town (village)
Dorfplatz {m}
   Dorfplätze {pl}
village square
   village squares
Erholungsort {m}
   Erholungsorte {pl}
recreation place; recreation locality; recreation village
   recreation places; recreation localities; recreation villages
Dorfweber {m} [ornith.]village weaver
Rotfuß-Atlaswitwe {f} [ornith.]village indigobird
'Das Haidedorf' (von Stifter / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Village on the Heath' (by Stifter / work title)
'Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorf' (von Keller / Werktitel) [lit.]'A Village Romeo and Juliet' (by Keller / work title)
'Der Dorfschullehrer (Der Riesenmaulwurf)' (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Village Schoolmaster' (by Kafka / work title)
basiert auf der Wortliste von dict.tu-chemnitz.de