Übersetze 'canada' | Translate 'canada' |
Deutsch | English |
16 Ergebnisse | 16 results |
Kanada [geogr.] | Canada (ca) |
Ackerkratzdistel {f} [bot.] | creeping thistle; Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) |
Einmannpackung {f} (EPa) [mil.] | 24 Hour Operational Ration Pack /ORP/ [Br.]; Meal Ready to Eat /MRE/ [Am.]; Combat Ration Pack /CRP/ [Austr.]; Individual Meal Pack /IMP/ (Canada) |
Eishockey {n} [sport] Eishockey ist ein beliebter Sport in Kanada. | ice hockey; hockey Ice hockey is a popular sport in Canada. |
Kindergeld {n} staatliches Kindergeld | child benefit [Br.]; children's allowance National Child Benefit /NCB/ (Canada) |
Kratzdistel {f} [bot.] | Canada thistle; creeping thistle |
WC {n} (Ort, privat und öffentlich); Toilette {f} (Ort, selten privat) WCs {pl}; Toiletten {pl} Wo ist die Toilette? Darf ich Ihr WC benutzen/benützen? Dürfte ich bitte bei Ihnen die Toilette benutzen/benützen? (formell) Könnten Sie mir sagen, wo ich die Toiletten finde? Wo finde ich denn bitte die Toiletten? Wo ist (denn) hier bitte die Damentoilette/Herrentoilette? auf (die) Toilette gehen; die Toilette aufsuchen | toilet (private and public); bathroom (private); cloakroom (public) [Br.]; restroom (public) [Am.]; the ladies'/the gents' (toilet) (public) [Br.]; the ladies' room/the mens' room (public) [Am]; washroom (public) [Canada]; WC (only on signs); lavatory (sign on aeroplanes, otherwise old-fashioned) toilets; bathrooms; cloakrooms; restrooms; the ladies'/the mens' rooms; washrooms; lavatories Where's the bathroom?; Where is the toilet? Can I use your bathroom, please? Excuse me, could I please use your facilities? (formal) Could you point me in the direction of the toilets [Br.] / restrooms [Am.] please? Excuse me, where will I find the toilets [Br.] / restrooms [Am.]? Where is the Ladies'/the Gents' [Br.] / the ladies' room/the men's room [Am.], please? to go to/use the toilet [Br.] / restroom [Am.]; to call upon nature [coll.] |
Toronto (Stadt in Kanada) | Toronto (city in Canada) |
Montréal; Montreal (Stadt in Kanada) | Montréal; Montreal (city in Canada) |
Vancouver (Stadt in Kanada) | Vancouver (city in Canada) |
Ottawa (Hauptstadt von Kanada) | Ottawa (capital of Canada) |
Niagarafälle {pl} (Wasserfälle zwischen Ontario, Kanada und New York, USA) [geogr.] Niagara River (Fluss in Nordamerika) Niagara | Niagara Falls (waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, USA) Niagara River (river in North America) Niagara (Indian for "neck of land" or "land cut in two") |
Salisbury Salisbury | Salisbury [city name in various countries, e.g. United Kingdom, U.S., Australia and Canada] Salisbury [former name of Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe] |
Kanadagans {f} (Branta canadensis) [ornith.] | canada goose |
Kanadawaldsänger {m} [ornith.] | canada warbler |
Kanadabalsam {m} | Canada balsam; Canada turpentine |