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59 Ergebnisse | 59 results |
Haupt {n} | pilot |
Lotse {m}; Lotsin {f} [naut.] Lotsen {pl} | pilot pilots |
Luftfahrzeugführer {m} [mil.] Luftfahrzeugführer {pl} | pilot pilots |
Pilot {m}; Pilotin {f}; Flugzeugführer {m}; Flugzeugführerin {f} [aviat.] Piloten {pl}; Pilotinnen {pl}; Flugzeugführer {pl}; Flugzeugführerinnen {pl} | pilot; airplane pilot pilots; airplane pilots |
Pilot {m} Piloten {pl} | (racing) driver drivers |
Düsenpilot {m} | jet pilot |
Erstauftrag {m} Erstaufträge {pl} | first order; initial order; opening order; pilot order first orders; initial orders; opening orders; pilot orders |
Flieger {m}; Pilot {m} Flieger {pl}; Piloten {pl} | aviator aviators |
Fliegeroffizier {m} | pilot officer |
Fluglehrer {m} | pilot instructor |
Flugschein {m}; Pilotenschein {m} Flugscheine {pl}; Pilotenscheine {pl} | pilot's licence; pilot's license [Am.] pilot's licences; pilot's licenses |
Führungslager {n} [techn.] Führungslager {pl} | pilot bearing; spigot bearing pilot bearings; spigot bearings |
Jagdflieger {m} [mil.] Jagdflieger {pl} | fighter pilot fighter pilots |
Kampfflieger {m} [mil.] Kampfflieger {pl} | combat pilot combat pilots |
Kontrollbrenner {m} [mach.] Kontrollbrenner {pl} | pilot burner pilot burners |
Kontrolleuchte {f} Kontrolleuchten {pl} | pilot lamp pilot lamps |
Kopilot {m}; Copilot {m}; Kopilotin {f}; Copilotin {f} [aviat.] Kopiloten {pl}; Copiloten {pl}; Kopilotinnen {pl}; Copilotinnen {pl} | copilot; co-pilot; first officer copilots; co-pilots; first officers |
Kunstflugpilot {m} Kunstflugpiloten {pl} | aerobatic pilot aerobatic pilots |
Kunstflieger {m}; Kunstfliegerin {f} [aviat.] Kunstflieger {pl}; Kunstfliegerinnen {pl} | stunt pilot stunt pilots |
Leitstudie {f}; Testuntersuchung {f} Leitstudien {pl}; Testuntersuchungen {pl} | pilot study pilot studies |
Lotsenboot {n} Lotsenboote {pl} | pilot boat; pilot vessel pilot boats; pilot vessels |
Lotsendienst {m} | pilot service |
Modellprojekt {n}; Modellversuch {m} Modellprojekte {pl}; Modellversuche {pl} | pilot scheme pilot schemes |
Modellversuch {m} Modellversuche {pl} | model study; pilot study; model test; scaled-down test model studies; pilot studies; model tests; scaled-down tests |
Nullserie {f} | pilot-run series; pilot lot; initial batch |
Pfarrer {m}; Pastor {m}; Priester {m} (beim Militär) | sky pilot [Am.] [mil.] [slang] |
Pilotanlage {f} Pilotanlagen {pl} | pilot plant pilot plants |
Pilotfilm {m} Pilotfilme {pl} | pilot film; pilot pilot films; pilots |
Pilotprojekt {n} Pilotprojekte {pl} | pilot project pilot projects |
Pilotsendung {f} Pilotsendungen {pl} | pilot broadcast pilot broadcasts |
Probelauf {m} Probeläufe {pl} | trial run; pilot run; test run trial runs; pilot runs; test runs |
Schienenräumer {m} Schienenräumer {pl} | pilot; cowcatcher [coll.] pilots; cowcatchers |
Segelflieger {m}; Segelfliegerin {f} Segelflieger {pl}; Segelfliegerinnen {pl} | glider pilot glider pilots |
Selbststeuergerät {n} | automatic pilot |
Steuerfrequenz {f} Steuerfrequenzen {pl} | pilot frequency; control frequency pilot frequencies; control frequencies |
Steuerventil {n} Steuerventile {pl} | pilot valve pilot valves |
Testpilot {m} Testpiloten {pl} | test pilot test pilots |
Versuchsanlage {f} Versuchsanlagen {pl} | pilot plant; test plant; testing plant; experimental plant pilot plants; test plants; testing plants; experimental plants |
Versuchsprojekt {n} Versuchsprojekte {pl} | pilot project pilot projects |
Vorbohrung {f} Vorbohrungen {pl} | pilot hole pilot holes |
Vorsteuerventil {n} [techn.] Vorsteuerventile {pl} | pilot valve; relay valve pilot valves; relay valves |
Zündbrenner {m} Zündbrenner {pl} | pilot burner pilot burners |
Zündstrahlmotor {m} Zündstrahlmotoren {pl} | pilot ignition engine; pilot injection engine pilot ignition engines; pilot injection engines |
dummerweise {adv} Dummerweise habe ich vergessen, den Pilotfilm zur Serie aufzunehmen. Dummerweise ging am Samstag Abend kein Zug. | annoyingly Annoyingly, I forgot to record the pilot episode. Annoyingly, there was no train on Saturday evening. |
elektromotorische Kraft /EMK/ [electr.] angelegte EMK gegenelektromotorische Kraft (Gegen-EMK) EMK-Vorsteuerung | electromotive force /EMF/ applied emf counter electromotive force (cemf); back electromotive force (bemf) EMF pilot control |
jdn./etw. führen; leiten [übtr.] einen Gesetzesentwurf durch das Parlament bringen | to pilot sb. to pilot a bill through Parliament |
jdn. lotsen {vt} [auto] [naut.] [aviat.] lotsend gelotst jdn. durchlotsen | to pilot sb. piloting piloted to pilot sb. through |
sprich; nämlich; d.h.; und zwar; Die Unfallursache war ein Pilotenfehler, sprich die Nichteinhaltung der Flugregeln. Das kann nur zweierlei bedeuten: nämlich dass er gelogen hat oder dass er sich irrt. In den letzten Jahren wurden mehrere wichtige Rechtsvorschriften erlassen, und zwar: das Behindertengesetz, das Luftreinhaltegesetz und das Finanztransaktionsgesetz. | to wit [adm.] Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident. This can only mean two things, to wit: that he lied, or that he is wrong. Several pieces of major legislation have been introduced over the past few years, to wit: the Disabilities Act, the Clean Air Act and the Financial Transactions Act. |
vorbohren {vt} [techn.] vorbohrend vorgebohrt bohrt vor bohrte vor | to pre-drill; to drill a pilot hole pre-drilling pre-drilled pre-drills pre-drilled |
vorgesteuert {adj} | pilot-controlled |
wegweisend; bahnbrechend {adj}; Pilot... | trailblazing |
Grindwale {pl} [zool.] | pilot whales |
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal {m}; Schwarzwal {m}; Langflossen-Grindwal {m} (Globicephala melas) [zool.] | long-finned pilot whale; Atlantic pilot whale; Caaing whale; pothead; blackfish |
Indischer Grindwal {m}; Schwarzwal {m}; Kurzflossengrindwal {m} (Globicephala macrorhynchus) [zool.] | short-finned pilot whale; shortfin pilot whale; pothead whale; pacific pilot whale |
Kleiner Schwertwal {m}; Unechter Schwertwal {m}; Falscher Schwertwal {m} (Pseudorca crassidens) [zool.] | false killer whale; false pilot whale; pseudorca |
Zwergschwertwal {m} (Feresa attenuata) [zool.] | pygmy killer whale; slender pilot whale; slender blackfish |
(ein Flugzeug) steuern; pilotieren; fliegen; lenken {vt} [aviat.] | to pilot; to steer (a plane) |
Leierschwanzlakai {m} [ornith.] | pilot bird |
Vorbohrung {f} (Loch) Vorbohrungen {pl} | predrilled hole; pilot hole; exploratory drill hole; advance bore hole; rathole predrilled holes; pilot holes; exploratory drill holes; advance bore holes; ratholes |