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Schwimmen {n} [sport] | swimming |
Bad {n}; Badeanstalt {f} Bäder {pl}; Badeanstalten {pl} die antiken römischen Bäder | bathhouse; swimming pool; swimming bath [Br.] (old-fashioned); bath [hist.] bathhouses; swimming pools; swimming baths; baths the ancient Roman baths |
Badeanzug {m}; Schwimmanzug Badeanzüge {pl}; Schwimmanzüge {pl} | swimsuit; bathing suit; swimming costume swimsuits; bathing suits |
Badehose {f} Badehosen {pl} | swimming trunks; swim pants swimming trunks |
Badeinfektion {f} [med.] Badeinfektionen {pl} | swimming-pool infection swimming-pool infections |
Badekonjunktivitis {f} [med.] | swimming-pool conjunctivitis |
Badelandschaft {f} Badelandschaften {pl} | swimming complex swimming complexes |
Badelandschaft {f} (in einem Hotel etc.) | landscaped swimming area (in a hotel etc.) |
Baden {n} | bathing; swimming |
Badeotitis {f} [med.] | swimmer's ear; swimming-pool otitis |
Badeort {m} Badeorte {pl} | bathing resort; swimming resort bathing resorts; swimming resorts |
Badesachen {pl}; Badezeug {n} | bathing clothes; bathing gear; bathing things; swimming things |
Badesee {m} Badeseen {pl} | swimming pond swimming ponds |
Badesteg {m} Badestege {pl} | bathing jetty; swimming pier bathing jetties; swimming piers |
Badestelle {f} Badestellen {pl} | swimming spot; bathing area swimming spots; bathing areas |
Badeteich {m}; Schwimmteich {m}; Badeweiher {m} Badeteiche {pl}; Schwimmteiche {pl}; Badeweiher {pl} | swimming pond swimming ponds |
Badetuch {n} Badetücher {pl} | bath towel; swimming towel bath towels |
Freibad {n} | open-air swimming pool; open-air bath |
Freistil {m} Freistilschwimmen {n} [sport] | freestyle swimming |
Hallenbad {n} Hallenbäder {pl} | indoor swimming pool indoor swimming pools |
Kraulen {n}; Kraulschwimmen {n}; Kraulstil {m} (Schwimmstil) [sport] beim Kraulschwimmen | crawl when swimming the crawl |
Kunstschwimmen {n} [sport] | synchronized swimming; water ballet |
Lust haben zu etwas Lust haben zu etw. keine Lust haben; zu etw. nicht aufgelegt sein große Lust haben zu wenn du Zeit und Lust hast Hast du Lust, heute Tennis zu spielen oder Schwimmen zu gehen? | to feel like to feel like (doing) sth.; to be in the mood for sth. / to do ssth. not to be in the mood to do sth. to have a good mind to if you have the time and feel like it Do you feel like playing tennis or going swimming today? |
Naturschwimmteich {m} Naturschwimmteiche {pl} | natural swimming pond natural swimming ponds |
der springende Punkt; das Entscheidende; das, worauf es ankommt Nicht wieder zuzunehmen, das ist der springende Punkt bei einer Diät. Bei diesem Computerspiel kommt es darauf an, nicht getroffen zu werden. Wenn Vielseitigkeit gefragt ist, dann ist das größere Modell die erste Wahl. Im Juli ist Baden und Sonnenschein angesagt. "Geben und Nehmen" lautet die Devise. Wir haben ihn ausgewählt, weil er weiß, wie der Hase läuft. | the name of the game [fig.] Avoiding weight regain, that's the name of the game when dieting. In this computer game, not getting hit is the name of the game. When versatility is the name of the game, the bigger model is the first choice. In July, sunshine and swimming are the name of the game. "Give and take? is the name of the game. We chose him, because he knows the name of the game. |
Scherenschlag {m} [sport] Scherenschläge {pl} | scissor kick (in swimming) scissor kicks |
Schwimmanstalt {f} Schwimmanstalten {pl} | swimming bath swimming baths |
Schwimmbad {n}; Schwimmbecken {n} Schwimmbäder {pl}; Schwimmbecken {pl} | swimming pool; public swimming pool swimming pools; public swimming pools |
Schwimmbadwasserechtheit {f} | fastness to swimming pool water |
Schwimmgürtel {m} Schwimmgürtel {pl} | swimming belt swimming belts |
Schwimmhalle {f}; Hallenbad {n}; Hallenschwimmbad {n}; Innenschwimmbad {n}; überdachtes Schwimmbad Schwimmhallen {pl}; Hallenbäder {pl}; Hallenschwimmbäder {pl}; Innenschwimmbäder {pl}; überdachte Schwimmbäder | indoor swimming pool; indoor pool indoor swimming pools; indoor pools |
Schwimmkunst {f} Schwimmkünste {pl} | art of swimming arts of swimming |
Schwimmkurs {m} Schwimmkurse {pl} | swimming course; swimming class swimming courses; swimming classes |
Schwimmlehrer {m}; Schwimmlehrerin {f} Schwimmlehrer {pl}; Schwimmlehrerinnen {pl} | swimming instructor swimming instructors |
Schwimmmeister {m}; Schwimmmeisterin {f}; Schwimmeister {m} [alt] Schwimmmeister {pl}; Schwimmmeisterinnen {pl} | swimming supervisor swimming supervisors |
Schwimmpanzer {m} [mil.] | amphibious tank; swimming tank |
Schwimmring {m} Schwimmringe {pl} | swimming ring swimming rings |
Schwimmschicht {f} Schwimmschichten {pl} | swimming layer swimming layers |
Schwimmstil {m} (Technik) Schwimmstile {pl} | swimming stroke swimming strokes |
Schwimmstil {m} (einer bestimmten Person) Schwimmstile {pl} | swimming style (of a particular person) swimming styles |
Schwimmunterricht {m} [school] [sport] | swimming lessons; swimming instruction |
Schwimmvogel {m} [ornith.] Schwimmvögel {pl} | swimming bird swimming birds |
Schwimmwettbewerb {m} [sport] Schwimmwettbewerbe {pl} | swimming contest; swimming competition swimming contests; swimming competitions |
Sprungbrett {n} Sprungbretter {pl} Swimming Pool mit Sprungbrett | diving board diving boards swimming pool with diving board |
Swimming Pool {m} (kleines Schwimmbecken) | swimming pool |
Synchronschwimmen {n} [sport] | synchronized swimming; synchronised swimming |
Wettkampfschwimmbecken {n} [sport] Wettkampfschwimmbecken {pl} | competition swimming pool competition swimming pools |
Wettschwimmen {n} [sport] | swimming contest |
etw. durchschwimmen (See, Kanal) {vt} durchschwimmend durchgeschwommen | to swim sth. (lake, channel) swimming swam |
hinausschwimmen {vi} hinausschwimmend hinausgeschwommen | to swim out swimming out out swum out |
kraulen {vi} (Schwimmstil) [sport] kraulend gekrault | to do the crawl; to swim the crawl doing the crawl; swimming the crawl done the crawl; swum the crawl |
nackt baden; nacktbaden {vi} nackt badend; nacktbadend nackt gebadet; nacktgebadet | to swim naked; to bathe nude (old-fashioned) swimming naked; bathing nude swum naked; bathed nude |
schwimmen; baden {vi} schwimmend; badend geschwommen; gebadet er/sie schwimmt ich/er/sie schwamm er/sie ist/war geschwommen; er/sie hat/hatte geschwommen ich/er/sie schwömme; ich/er/sie schwämme schwimme!; schwimm! baden gehen; schwimmen gehen {vi} schwimmen lernen durch etw. schwimmen (Wasser, Öffnung) durch einen Fluss schwimmen in Geld schwimmen [übtr.] Gehen wir doch heute Nachmittag baden. Sie geht jeden Tag vor dem Frühstück schwimmen. Er bekam Lust, schwimmen zu gehen. | to swim {swam; swum} swimming swum he/she swims I/he/she swam he/she has/had swum I/he/she would swim swim! to go swimming to learn how to swim to swim through sth. (water, opening) to swim across a river to be flush with money; to be in the money Let's go swimming this afternoon. She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. He took a fancy to go swimming. |